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This guide is designed for tiny, small and medium sized charities, community groups, social enterpises etc.
Warp It is designed for large organisations to swap resources internally. If items are surplus to requirements they can be passed to partners. One of Warp It's objectives is to help support charitable activities.
Warp It was created to make sure these items can be passed to organisations carrying out charitbale activities in a safe and legal manner.
If you follow this guide for 15 minutes, you will have no problems claiming items of other organisations.

Watch the video here.

If you haven't got 5 minutes to read the guide here is a summary:

  1. Register your charitable organisation here; You are the admin for your organisation's portal.
  2. Wait for the approval email, which details your new charity portal address and username. (Eg, )
  3. Log in as your organisation's administrator, with USERNAME (not email!) and password, at your new charity portal address.
  4. Make friend requests to other organisations under "building networks".
  5. Get other staff in your organisation (and yourself!) to sign up as Standard Users by hitting the register button, at your new charity portal address.
  6. Log in as a standard user, using email and password.
  7. Search and claim free surplus corporate assets.

The Basics

Sign up here
Choose your organisations' home page address The XXXXXX is the Username that you chose for your Warp It homepage. This is usually the organisation name shortened or an acronym with no spaces. Eg, or


On signing up

  • The individual specified in the sign up process is sent a Welcome Email. This details the Username (usually the organisation name with no spaces).
    Eg, or Your organisation's homepage link is detailed in the Welcome Email. This is your organisation's home page.
  • The individual specified in the application is usually the admin. The admin has responsiblity for approving members of staff on the system, approving friend requests/partnerships with other organisations - and customizing how the system works for your organisation.
  • The admin does not have to be the same person who is responsible for integrating Warp It into organisational practices.
  • Other users on the system are Standard Users and they can search and claim items.


The admin makes friend requests to other organisations to get priority access to surplus resources. The admin also approves staff applications to join the portal. To log in as the admin, enter the Username detailed in the welcome email.
The Admin logs in with username and password.


If you are logged in as an admin and try to search you will get an additional log in message below.

Admin view of search, with reminder to log in as a standard user

This means you are logged in as an admin. Log out (at the top right) and log back in as a standard user.

Standard Users

To search and claim other organisation's items, you have to register as a standard user. Other members of staff should register on the system also - so they can claim items too.

To register as standard user go to[your organisation’s home page] which is detailed in the Welcome Email. Click the green register now button. Fill in the details. Ask other staff members to do the same.

Approving staff members

When you next log in as the admin you will see that you have a list of pending staff applications to approve. Approve them and your staff can then claim items from others.

**When you are logged in as an admin you can add members by clicking on the link on the left hand side.**

Searching for items

As is mentioned above, the system is designed for large organisations - therefore when you first conduct a search the system will return items that have been added by other staff in the organisation. If your organisation is swapping items within there will not be any items returned on the first page. To find other items use the two tabs in the middle and right of screen.

Display of tabs in search results

If you are not seeing the tabs - you are logged is as an admin, please log out and log back in as a standard user (Email and password).

When an item details are “Expires on X”. The item is available to claim now.

Showing the message when an item is available to claim

When an item has the details “Available on X”, it is still being advertised to internal staff and will be available to others on this date. If you want to get a reminder when this item becomes available, click the “Remind me” button, you will receive a notification if the item becomes available.

Showing the message when an item is available

Partnering organisations

By partnering with other organisations, your organisation can get priority access to their surplus resources. To partner organisations:

  • Log in as the admin.
  • Go to "Warp It club" section on left hand side.
  • Click "Search Organisations" - Leave the text box blank to search all organisations for possible close links.
  • Add your nearest cities into the seach box for a closer local match.
  • Click into the organisation and send a partnership request.

As of 02/09/2014 we do not have a locational search at this point. We plan to have this implemented in spring 2015.

What our customers are saying

Great idea, well structured!

Anon, NHS Lothian

Great way of using a perfectly good piece of equipment that would normally end up in landfill!

Martha McIntosh, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust

I think it is a brilliant way to re-use things rather than throwing away - there is far too much wastage in this world, people should value time and effort which goes into producing things.

Anon, Brighton & Hove City Council